The Office Club
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This is a completely factual and accurate genealogical account of the Schrute family line. It is based on first hand information from Dwight Kurt Schrute, obtained during the filming of a documentary. The names, dates, locations and all other information may be made up, but the rest is the absolute truth.

Effie Margaret Elderstein was the only child of wealthy German factory owners. She was a quiet and plain young woman, who had many suitors, but little interest in any of them. When...
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I always considered myself a different kind of girl. Mostly because I always got treated differently, by my family, by my peers and even my teachers. When I was younger, I always felt like the outsider; the one no one would ever listen to or understand, always ignored, always picked last for a game, ridiculed in anything I said and did, with no one ever giving me a chance to show my full potential.

I was the odd one. I was a black sheep. I know a thing or two about how it feels to be the butt of a joke, being at the mercy of those people called “popular” and “normal”. Too bad all those...
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Jenna Fischer and James Gunn
Jenna Fischer and James Gunn
If you are anything like me, you were both shocked and upset when you heard that Jenna Fischer was seperating from her husband of six years, writer/director James Gunn. The couple released a statement, which was short and simple but revealed multitudes about their relationship. "We have chosen to separate. We are sorry for any pain this causes family and friends. The enthusiasm we have expressed for each other's lives, spirits and careers is real – we have been each other's cheerleader and friend during the past six years and continue to be so now and in the future."

When I began watching...
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link Review by Connie Norberg

Kevin Malone begins our hilarious episode with his “Kevins Famous Chili” as he walks into the building with his very big pot of homemade chili. With the elevators out of order, he is forced to walk the chili all the way to the office. Unfortunately, he doesn’t make it far before it spills onto the carpeted floor. So he looks around for something to scoop it up with and put back into the pot. Using 2 folders, he slops the now contaminated chili back into the pot, while falling directly into the spill; his suit is covered in chili.

Meanwhile, Michael Scott holds...
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There’s Newfoundland and Labrador,
Saskatchewan, Ontario,
Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba,
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Prince Edward Island’s very small,
but British Columbia tops them all!

[And that's where Vancouver is.]

But… before I finish up my story,
you should know the territories.

There are only three so I’ll be quick,
the Yukon, Northwest, and Nunavut.

If you want to have a ball,
there’s Saskatoon and Montreal.

And if you want to pack your sacks,
we’ll be going off the Halifax.

And if you’re looking for a wife,
be sure to visit Yellowknife.


Perennial geraniums,
nickel–think uranium,
are filling up my cranium,
the exports that they boast.

Keep going? No? Ingrates.
posted by ThatDamnLlama
Top 20 Dwight Schrute Quotes:

1. When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered that I had adsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No, I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.
2. I am faster than 80% of all snakes.
3. I don’t care what Jim says, that is not Benjamin Franklin. I am 99% sure.
4. I don’t believe you, continue.
5. Reject a woman, and she will never let it go. One of the many defects of their kind. Also,...
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posted by jameswilson
This isn't a wordy article as much as it's just a little collection of pictures from the past seasons. I'm not going into my what I like and don't like about the changes Pam has gone through throughout the show (some I really like and some I don't so much), but it's cool to look back either way!
Things to note: her hair, makeup, clothes - plus the background and location of the interviews! It's fun to see the different set ups throughout the years!

My final three comments:
1) I hope you enjoy
2) Pam's the best
3) Comments/thoughts welcomed!
"Pilot" 1x01
"Pilot" 1x01
"The Dundies" 2x01
"The Dundies" 2x01
"Gay Witch Hunt" 3x01
"Gay Witch Hunt" 3x01
"Fun Run" 4x01
"Fun Run" 4x01
"Weight Loss" 5x01
"Weight Loss" 5x01
"Gossip" 6x01
"Gossip" 6x01
"Nepotism" 7x01
"Nepotism" 7x01
"The List" 8x01
"The List" 8x01
November 2, 2008

In this week’s Page Six Magazine – Amy Ryan talks about what it takes to be famous and how a guest stint on The Office may be just what the actress needs to catapult her to stardom – and allow her to live happily ever after.

On her role in The Office:
“I think it’s one of the funniest shows on TV. I felt so lucky to go [to work and] laugh my head off. I’ve been guaranteed to screw up at least three takes a day, ruining my makeup in the process by crying with laughter – that’s now funny the cast is.”

On being ready for the spotlight:
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posted by chel1395
Trish Gates
Trish Gates
After reading ANOTHER article that hints at Kevin Malone's fiancee, Stacy, not existing, I have decided to prove to the world that not only does she exist, we've seen her. Several times. First of all, the actress who plays her is named Trish Gates. Trish has starred in four Office episodes, however her scenes in "The Dundies" were cut from the original episode. You can see her in "The Dundies" deleted scene where Kevin points out that he brought his fiancee. She is also seen briefly in "Email Surveillance" at Jim's party. We don't see her again until Season 3 in "Phyllis's Wedding." Then, we get another brief glimpse of her in "Cocktails" when the office staff is at Poor Richard's Bar. And then, of course, there is the fact that Kevin brought Stacy's daughter, April, to work in "Take Your Daughter to Work Day." I ask anyone who thinks that Stacy is a figment of Kevin's imagination to please watch the episodes mentioned above. Thank you and good night :)
Stacy and Kevin at Phyllis's wedding
Stacy and Kevin at Phyllis's wedding
Looking back, some of these old clips on 'The Office', were probably a big refresher. It didn't help that I not too recently watched those very same clips, but it was good to view some of the Season One office people and how some matured, while others became more childish over the seasons. The funny thing is, there was a similar video on 'YouTube' which quoted their Ten Reasons To Watch The Office, so another reason could be that even if you missed a popular clip, you could watch it again on this reminiscent episode of 'The Banker'.

If I were to be realistic, I know of other series that have...
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This was actually a good comeback from the last episode dealing with clips. It's almost as if they took some time to make a good come back, and it was an enjoyable 'The Office', with the bonus of development plots.

It's good that Jim and Pam are searching for the right daycare for their child, it shows proactive behavior on their part and it actually opens us up as an audience to embrace a new member to the cast of 'The Office'. How would that turn out though, can anyone think it up; my guess is constant visits from Michael and some kind of protective wear for the child. Definitely no 'bring...
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Ah Ha! I was taking screen shots of the Diversity Day episode and I found the Dunder Mifflin Mission Satement on an easel in the background when Kevin is imitating the Chris Rock routine. I may be the only one who finds this interesting, but I made out what it said! The following is the official Dunder Mifflin Mission Statement!

Mission Statement
Dunder Mifflin Incorporated provides its customers quality office and information technology products, furniture, printing values and the expertise required for making informed buying decisions. We provide out products and services with a dedication to the highest degree of integrity and quality of customer satisfaction, developing long-term professional relationships with employees that develop pride, creating a stable working environment and company spirit.
Hi all,

Branch Wars was such a fun episode that I find myself having to write about it!

Whats not to like?

There is a finner things club happening in the break room and staff poaching! Not enough? Ok, bring on a sabotage attempt for Utica by Curly (Jim) Larry ( Michael) and Moe ( Dwight). Oh and the return of Karen.!

Between the constant giggles I did feel a little for Jim having to face Karen. Like most people after a nasty break up its always a goal to avoid your ex like the plague.

Jim: I can't believe you guys. I'm not going to go further piss off my ex-girlfriend.

No such luck for Jim - I bet...
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posted by kathiria82
Hey guys! Everyone who is a fan of The Office must know about the new website, Dunder Mifflin Infinity. In case you don't already know, Dunder Mifflin Infinity (DMI) is the new online division of Dunder Mifflin, Inc. Paper Company. This gives all us die-hard office fans a chance to not only interact with each other but it makes us feel like we work at Dunder Mifflin. For more in-depth information on this amazing new website go to link. I am proud to say that I work for the Independence MO Branch and the Regional Manager is our very own link. She always gets the best and latest news on our favorite...
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posted by WorshipDwight
Two years ago, I wrote an article, “Confessions of an Addict,” sharing the pains and joys of my serious addiction to the Office. Since then, I’ve revisited the article several times for nostalgia’s sake, and many more times I’ve considered writing another chapter in my addiction story. What stopped me?

    For the longest time, I was worried that I had indeed found the reason for my failure to write another addiction article. I was certain I had lost faith. I was certain that my love for the Office had faded. I looked back at my “Confessions” article with...
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NBC's Green Week Logo
NBC's Green Week Logo
When NBC announced that it would devote an entire week to promoting saving the environment and “going green,” my first thought was how The Office could cleverly incorporate that message into an episode. The synopsis of ‘Survivor Man’ was promising…Michael goes into the wilderness to see if he can survive on his own. That right there gives you plenty of great opportunities to discuss the environment and how we need to save the planet. And while 'Survivor Man' may not have been the best episode of the series, it did manage to do the impossible: it promoted the environment and “going...
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I’m a little sick of all this Jim worship going on. I know J.Kras is so dreamy and Jim’s a sweetheart but the guy ain’t infallible. I want to take this opportunity to show some of Jim’s flaws.

Jim can be downright mean sometimes. His pranks on Dwight and Andy show that Jim has a sadistic streak. He enjoys watching Dwight and Andy squirm. When Andy punched a hole in the wall and lost all control Jim showed no remorse. Andy could have lost his job or hurt himself badly. Andy shouldn’t have reacted so strongly, but Jim knew that Andy overreacted from putting his calculator in Jell-o....
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A new Dunder Mifflin branch has been started by me tvman, in Kamloops British Columbia Canada, If you haven't signed up yet and wish to join a branch, join Dunder Mifflin Kamloops with this code zxu5fh4ho4 (Without the period). I will be under the name tvguy.
I need 15 people to work with me to become regional manager of this branch. So for you Canadian Fanpoppers, or other fanpoppers wishing to join please join this one. I promise you will love working with me. If you have signed up with my branch please let me know by posting at the bottom in the comments section.
posted by lexabuti
Moral of the story

Gossip must not be used to one's own advantage, people can get hurt.

Michael could have avoided all the drama had he just said the gossip was a moral lesson for the interns before they left, but that would have been too easy to get by, especially when it came to Michael.

So we have this episode starting off with the only two guys capable of following after Michael's clownish ways by prancing about the office like madmen. Are Dwight and Andy a similar version of Michael or do they have their own hidden agendas for acting so silly. How did Michael get by running this office.

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Welcome back, it's nice to have new episodes again of The Office, I thought I was going through new episode withdraws. Well I'm glad I have my fix now, and the new episode did not disappoint. I totally loved the episode. The writing, I thought was sharp and funny and the writers gave the audience what we have been waiting for, with the story line about the Angela/ Andy/ Dwight triangle. This story line all came to a head and It exploded with total satisfaction. I loved the way Jim tried to protect everyone from Andy (due to his Anger management issues) a great throw back from Andy's history....
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