Gay Rights School bullies

devil16 posted on Feb 15, 2013 at 11:33PM
Ok so there are people at my school who go around sayin this person is so gay and that this person is so gay and all that, what i dont get if why they would do that?? What do you think??

Gay Rights 2 replies

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over a year ago lostboylover said…
well,they think they r so cool and they think that something will be gained from bullying some1 that is different. these kinds of people r stupid, afraid and need to fuck off!! and u should stand up to the bully. Give them a piece a ure mind! good luck
over a year ago Sasshhhaaa said…
Okay, normally when someone insults someone it shows they're insecure or they don't understand why this (the person that they are calling gay) person acts/looks the way they do. They may be using the word as and insult for saying that they're stupid or that they're actually are gay. I can't put a strong opinion across as I don't know these people personally, but you could try and talk to the victim and see if they are okay. Talk to a teacher, preferably the head and get an anti-homophobic assembly showing calling someone gay can make someone feel like being gay is wrong and stupid. Even if they're just using it as a weak/meaningless jokey kind of insult.

Try and talk to a teacher, and stand up for the victim to this homophobic bullying. :)